Wednesday, June 25, 2008

recreation vehicles only?

Most people think of boats and yachts as a recreation vehicles. But I believe that it's a good way to invest money. I'm not speaking about investing money in a boat but a good way to start a business. I believe that this market will see a tremendous growth in the next decade.
Why do I think so? Boat or yacht is better than house and in most cases much cheaper. You can live and travel at the same time. And you pay less for the credit ))))!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Software outsourcing trends: price factor!

New trends in software development outsourcing are not so pleasant for India. According to independent experts and some India’s IT outsourcing leaders the wind of change is coming. They say India is not going to be world outsourcing leader as it used to be for the last years. The clue reason of that change is a price shift in India.
Source: Belhard Blog